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int x1f4_call_??rate(unsigned *)
sets $1 to the number of bytes required by a ??rate
object (sort of
returns 0
int x1f4_case_??rate(void *)
returns 0 if the $1 sequence is void (empty), non zero otherwise
int x1f4_dash_??rate(void *, unsigned, unsigned)
removes the $2th to $3th elements from the $1 sequence
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_ever_??rate(void *, void **)
stores the address of the data (i.e. payload) of the $1 sequence last element at $2
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_fast_??rate(void *, unsigned, struct x1f4_??rate_type *)
sets up a newly allocated ??rate
object, stored at $1, according the $2
bits (see ??rate
attribute bit definitions) and $3 setup values
The setup values in the struct x1f4_??rate_type
record pointed to by
the $3 argument are only used if so requested by $2, the $3 argument is not
considered otherwise.
See Fixed Size Data Sequence Types.
See Fixed Size Data Sequence Definitions.
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_fini_??rate(void **)
destroys the sequence whose address is stored at $1 - dismantles it all and frees the sequence object
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_flat_??rate(void *)
dismantles the $1 sequence without freeing the memory for the sequence object
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_flip_??rate(void *)
reverses the order of the records stored with the $1 sequence (so that the first becomes the last, the last the first, etc)
returns 0
int x1f4_flow_??rate(void *)
checks the $1 sequence for integrity - useful only for debugging this library
return 0 for success, non 0 for failure to complete the integrity tests
int x1f4_head_??rate(void *, void **)
inserts a new element before the previously first in $1 sequence, to be found at the address stored at $2 after function call
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_high_??rate(void *)
empties the $1 sequence (removes all nodes / content)
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_init_??rate(void **, unsigned, struct x1f4_??rate_type *)
creates an ??rate
object, according the $2 bits (see ??rate
attribute bit definitions) and $3 setup values and stores the address of the
newly created sequence at $1
See Fixed Size Data Sequence Types.
See Fixed Size Data Sequence Definitions.
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_join_??rate(void *, void *)
moves all content from the $2 sequence to the end of the $1 sequence. Order of the moved elements is preserved. The two sequences ought to be of the same settings.
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_lead_??rate(void *, void **)
stores the address of the data (i.e. payload) of the $1 sequence first element at $2
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_lime_??rate(void *, void *, int (*)(void *, void *))
calls $3 for each element in the $1 sequence, with $2 and the data for the element as arguments, in this order, until $3 returns non zero
returns 0 if $3 was never called (i.e. sequence is empty) or if $3 never returned non zero, the non zero return of $3 otherwise
int x1f4_line_??rate (void *, void *, int (*)(void *, void *, const void *), int (*)(void *, void *), void *)
copies the content of the $2 sequence in the $1 sequence if $1 is empty. $3 is used to copy element data and is passed $5, the data for the copy element and the data for the element being copied as arguments, in this order. If returned value is not zero the queue copying is aborted. $4 is called to free the copied elements if something went wrong (either no memory was available for sequence infrastructure or $3 returned non zero) and the copying had to be aborted. It is passed $5 and the data for the element to be freed as arguments, in this order.
$5 is otherwise not used.
if sequence copying failed efforts are made to return the $1 queue to its previous state.
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_mind_??rate(void *)
removes the first element from the $1 sequence
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_miss_??rate(void *, unsigned)
removes the $2th element from the $1 sequence
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_over_??rate (void *, unsigned, unsigned, void *, int (*)(void *, void *))
calls $5 for each element in between $2 and $3 in the $1 sequence, ends included, with $4 and the data for the element as arguments, in this order, until $5 returns non zero
returns 0 if $5 was never called (i.e. sequence is empty) or if $5 never returned non zero, the non zero return of $5 otherwise
int x1f4_peek_??rate(void *, unsigned, void **)
stores the address of the data (i.e. payload) of the $1 sequence $2th element at $3
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_pull_??rate(void *, unsigned, void *, int (*)(void *, void *))
removes the $2th element from the $1 sequence if $4 called with $3 and the data of the to be removed element returns 0
returns 0 for success, X1f4_??RATE_CALL_ERROR
if $4 returned not zero,
one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_push_??rate(void *, unsigned, void **)
inserts a new element in the $2th position in the $1 sequence, to be found at the address stored at $3 after function call
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_rand_??rate(void *)
shuffles the $1 sequence content
returns 0
int x1f4_size_??rate(void *, unsigned *)
stores the size (element count) of the $1 sequence at address $2
returns 0
int x1f4_slip_??rate(void *)
removes the last element from the $1 sequence
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_star_??rate(void *, unsigned)
resizes the empty $1 sequence to be $2 long
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_swap_??rate(void *, void *)
swaps data and settings for the $1 and $2 sequences
returns 0 for success
int x1f4_tail_??rate(void *, void **)
inserts a new element after the previously last in $1 sequence, to be found at the address stored at $2 after function call
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_tear_??rate(void *, unsigned, void *)
moves all content starting with the $2th element from the $1 sequence to the empty $3 sequence. Order of the moved elements is preserved. The two sequences ought to be of the same settings.
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_text_??rate (void **, void *, int (*)(void *, void *, const void *), int (*)(void *, void *), void *)
creates a copy of the $2 sequence and stores the address of the newly created sequence at $1
$3 is used to copy element data and is passed $5, the data for the copy element and the data for the element being copied as arguments, in this order. If returned value is not zero the queue copying is aborted. $4 is called to free the copied elements if something went wrong (either no memory was available for sequence infrastructure or $3 returned non zero) and the copying had to be aborted. It is passed $5 and the data for the element to be freed as arguments, in this order.
$5 is otherwise not used.
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure
int x1f4_vamp_??rate(void *, unsigned, int *, unsigned *, void **)
inserts as many elements as *$4 in the $2th position in the $1 sequence, store their number and address at $4 and $5. The function will insert at least one element and no more than the b-tree node capacity.
It will store 1 at $3 when it deems that a subsequent multiple insertion at the same position ($2) would fare better than at another position, for an instance $2 + number of inserted elements (final *$4). $3 is not changed otherwise. The hint is meant to be offerred only once during a long insertion that sees multiple calls to x1f4_vamp_??rate. The function expects that $2 changes from call to call during such a long insertion by adding the number of elements inserted in the previous call.
returns 0 for success, one of the defined errors for failure