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The radix tree associative array replaces the last trie levels with front coded sequences of strings. The suffixes that don’t fit the front coded sections and the internal path segments are stored instead pointers, where they are short enough (just as for the inlined radix tree associative array).

More specifically, what the front coded string sequences are to replace are those subtrees on the fringe that have a (leaf) population lower than a builtin threshold (16 or a similar value).

The design does improve on memory usage, it does not on speed. Only on sparse key distributions is the front coded radix tree faster than the more regular radix trees. The memory usage reductions are also greatest for sparse distributions, with no improvements to be observed for very dense distributions.

The larger the front coded string sequences are allowed, the bigger are the memory saves, and up to a point, the speed gains.

General library:

See String Key Pointer Value Array Library.

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