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The B-tree external nodes are organized as plain arrays.

The B-tree internal nodes are organized as self balancing binary seach trees.


typedef struct x1f4_qxrate_type {
    unsigned quarter, rate, size;
    void *trans;
} x1f4_qxrate_type;

See Fixed Size Data Sequence Types.

The extra features in the struct x1f4_qxrate_type are the quarter and rate unsigned fields, specifying quarter the maximal population count to be stored in external B-tree nodes and log 2 the maximal population count to be stored in internal B-tree nodes, respectively. Both fields usage is restricted to express request and sensible default values are provided for them.

Construction definitions:


indicates the sequence constructor routines that the quarter the maximal population count to be stored in external B-tree nodes specified by the quarter field of their struct x1f4_qxrate_type * argument is to be observed.


indicates the sequence constructor routines that the log 2 the maximal population count to be stored in internal B-tree nodes specified by the rate field of their struct x1f4_qxrate_type * argument is to be observed.

General library:

See Fixed Size Data Sequence Library.

Next: Static BST Internal And Array Organized Leaf Nodes Sequence, Previous: Dynamic BST Internal And Leaf Nodes Sequence, Up: B+ tree Compressed BST Based Fixed Size Data Sequences   [Index]